Monday, May 19, 2008


“Kurds are fire, if approached correctly they get warm but if approached wrongly they burn.”
~ Leyla Zana.

The only thing that's really worth your time today is to stop over at Hevallo's place and check out his post on his trip to London to hear Leyla Zana speak in the British Parliament.

Zana defended the Kurdish people, the Kurdish freedom movement, and Abdullah Öcalan's proposals for a political solution to the Kurdish situation. I have no doubt that Zana would also defend PKK's offer of a democratic solution from August 2006, and PKK's ceasefire, which was offered in October 2006.

Zana also calls out the members of the Kurdish Diaspora to remind them of their duties.

Anyway, go check out Hevallo's excellent piece and see for yourself.


Anonymous said...

While, Leyla Zana support the Kurdish Freedom Movement by given major conferances in UK, Jash Nechirvan Barzani doing everything he can to undermine PKK and the freedom movement of the Kurdish people. He calls Turkish-Kurdish relations at its best while his country being bombed constantly by the Turks, He call his country an example of democracy in the whole ME while the Kurds suffering severely under the Barzani clans dictatorship. How can you hate so much so your own people and if you are then why this bastard still PM of the KRG?

This small article from the Kurdish Media would probably expalin everything.

"By awarding an honorary Doctor of Public Service to Mr. Nechrivan, it is indirectly supporting corruption, monopoly and nepotism. In the United States, officials found guilty of these practices are severely punished by law."

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang said...

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang
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